Legalized Weed October 17


Well-Known Member
OFC Regular
Less than a week away till weed is completely legal in Canada. Its gonna be a wonderfully chilled day throughout the country. At first all weed purchases will done online till April when the stores will be opening up or we can grown our own, its our choice :) Medical patients, such as myself, will have access to better stuff and pay less than retail prices and pay no tax on it and in fact can claim it as a medical expense on our taxes. So all stoners are welcome to join the party on October 17. Just cross the border and light a joint, no one will try to stop you only join you :)
Wow, I think every store has Doritos and Oreo's on sale right now. Everyone I guess is trying to cash in on legalization. Even O'Henry has a 420 bar for sale now, for 5 minutes after 4:20 lol