Not appealing Ban

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Well-Known Member
OFC Regular
Let me stress this , I'm NOT trying to appeal my Bad . With that said . I made the comment that " it must be break at the Call Centers " and got banned . How is that perceived as Racist ? What White people don't work at Call Centers ? That is very narrow minded and Racist by Mod thinking to me . That offends me so why is that Mod still here ? I'm tired of being being Racist here against certain people but that group it is ok to be Racist or Sexist against . The Mods need to undergo some extensive training and get down off their Elitist pedestals . Seems the Mods are the worst to judge since many of them used to be the ones breaking major in fractions themselves .
Let me stress this , I'm NOT trying to appeal my Bad . With that said . I made the comment that " it must be break at the Call Centers " and got banned . How is that perceived as Racist ? What White people don't work at Call Centers ? That is very narrow minded and Racist by Mod thinking to me . That offends me so why is that Mod still here ? I'm tired of being being Racist here against certain people but that group it is ok to be Racist or Sexist against . The Mods need to undergo some extensive training and get down off their Elitist pedestals . Seems the Mods are the worst to judge since many of them used to be the ones breaking major in fractions themselves .

Like many other sites, this site slowly falls in the liberal hysteria of "I'm offended by everything syndrome". Happening to Fubar too...Mewe seems to be the only one still escaping that for now
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9.1 These content standards apply to all User Contributions and use of Interactive Services. User Contributions must in their entirety comply with all applicable federal, state, local, and international laws and regulations. User Contributions must not:

(b) Promote violence or discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age.

You know what you typed was derogatory and racist, which is why you typed it when you did. Trying to play the victim will get you no where. No mod is standing on a pedestal, they are simple enforcing the TOU.
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