Favorite Book!

A lot of GoT fans... -withdraws slowly after not even reading a book- anyhow I cans't list a favorite book since it'd be outreageous to do so in my pov but I've a few to list. Some are: Blood Wedding by Federico Garcia Lorca, Lord of the Rings, Inferno, The Empire of Darkness, 212, Dracula, Carmilla... List is bloody long. :)
The Alchemist i have not read that

Well I don't want to give spoilers since you may read it... but I will say it's author uses a unique writing style. Strong themes of destiny and to follow your dreams and think with your heart. It's a charming book really.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and American Psycho, The Killer Inside Me, Please Kill Me, Naked Lunch... I read pretty much everything from Hunter S. Thompson, Brett Easton Ellis, Chuck Palahniuck, William S Burroughs, Jim Thompson to name a few.
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I disliked the Game of Thrones books. I find the show more condensed and I think the series benefits. I believe I read the first three and I consistently found it boring. Not the worst things I've ever read, but nothing really hooked me.

I found the dismal world and characters on display to be farcical for the most part.

As a replacement, I just finished reading the first Dune book. I didn't realise when I started, but it's what GoT might have been if it was better and set in space.

I've been trying to catch up on science fiction classics so on top of Dune, I read Brave New World and The Forever War.

Brave New World's a staple, so nothing much to say there.

The Forever War is a Vietnam allegory. It's been a long time since I read a Vietnam book (my favorite is one whose title I forget, but was by a guy named John M. Del Vecchio. Main character was called Cherry, I believe).

The Vietnam allegory is one in which a dismal world is presented far more realistically, if more specifically (again, in comparison to GoT which spans two continents).

It helps the writer, Joe Haldimand I think, was there. (Edit: Joe Haldeman.)
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Huge fan of Papillon (the Steve McQueen movie was based on it), since it's a childhood fav. It's a real adventure story, and extremely hard to put down. Not overly "fancy" by any means, but still an amazing read. Other than that... The last book I read that blew my mind was Cloud Atlas. It's an odd, extremely ambitious undertaking. Mitchell uses language to its fullest extent, to convey culture, emotion, time... Actually made me tear up. But it's pretty heavy at times.
Just diving into Wheel of Time. About Seven books in and loving the shit out of it.

- strong female characters in a fantasy novel (what?)
- no romanticizing war and loss.
- hilarious lack of understanding of other genders
- addictive magic that can vote blow you up
- enough intrigue to keep things interesting without being sluggish

I do however have a huge number of books to work through in the next year or so, so this may change very fast.
Robert Jordan is the author right? I have had this series on my radar ever since discovering Brandon Sanderson...
Favorite book series will always be Harry Potter.
So far I have loved most of the books by Brandon Sanderson (though he writes hella slow)
Favorite book (due to middle school nostalgia): The Great and Terrible Beauty
I saw a trailer for the Dark Tower movie. It looked like rubbish, BUT I am probably going to re-read the whole series now so that I can better eviscerate it when it comes out. Or hey, maybe I'll be prepped to be pleasantly surprised.
Well...for fiction, without a doubt JRR Tolkien The Silmarillion and Sir Thomas Mallory Le Morte d'Arthur
For non Fiction, Sun Tzu The Art Of War, Plato The Republic and Cicero The Republic And The Law
I am very strange on what I chose to read . I don't really focus on authors as much as subject . And my tastes vary on what mood I am in .
I mostly read comics and graphic novels... keeps my short attention span a bit better haha... right now I'm loving Lemiere's Moon Knight (I've only read vol 1 so far), superman American alien by max landis and the sculptor by Scott mccloud
I saw a trailer for the Dark Tower movie. It looked like rubbish, BUT I am probably going to re-read the whole series now so that I can better eviscerate it when it comes out. Or hey, maybe I'll be prepped to be pleasantly surprised.
The movie was absolute rubbish, except idris Elba, but I would still go back in time and not spend the money :/