
The best way to get the most use out of our social features is to register. This gets you a persistent username, a profile, your own chat room -- the full functionality of You'll be able to add content for other users to see, like pictures. You can send private messages to offline users. You also get a persistent friend list for use in the chat rooms. It's quick, easy, and free, and all you need is to enter an email address to verify that you aren't a robot, and a date of birth to verify that you are of age.
Recent Activity

Once you've registered and logged in, you can see recent activity here. This displays all the most recent forum posts, profile posts, likes, feed updates, and various other activities taking place in our forums. It's a great way to get a snapshot of what's happened at since you last stopped by, and provides you with some idea of who is currently active and available on the site for you to interact with.
Notable Members

Visit the Notable Members page to see a dynamically updated list of members who contribute the most to the site. Those members who consistently post in the forums and interact with other members of the chat site will be displayed here as if it were a "high score" board. The top users on the Notable Members page tend to get more views, likes, and messages, so start posting now! Making insightful posts that lots of people read and like, sending messages, and interacting with other members' content can also unlock achievements and trophy points. Interact naturally, get popular, and make friends.
Who's Online

Are you looking for interesting new people to interact with right now, and have no time to lose? The Who's Online page could be very useful to you. It will show you a list of users who are currently active on the chat site, as well as what activity each of them is currently engaged in. It also informs you of various popularity signals, such as how many likes or trophy points they have, and how many messages they have posted. Who's Online will also show the activity of unregistered guests and new users who have just signed up, giving you the opportunity to welcome new people to the site.
New Profile Posts

A "profile post" is a function the forums provide that allows members to express their more random, spur of the moment thoughts. This is particularly useful for making posts that might not fit properly into any of the provided forum categories, or are more personal in nature. New Profile Posts shows you what is happening with peoples' profile posts, whether it's new ones going up or replies being made to existing profile posts. You can manage whether everyone can see your profile posts, and thus whether they will display in New Profile Posts, by changing your forum privacy options, or leave your thoughts up for the whole world to see. It's a good way to get noticed and be found by other like-minded members, but it's ultimately your choice.