This is the last and finale update. I want to thank everyone for all their thoughts and prayers and for being there for me when I needed them the most. Thank you.
Update: I have no idea. Some days she is great other days she is worse. As soon as I think she is getting better, she gets worse. I'm not sure what will happen but my hopefulness and optimism is still here
Haven't done a grandma update in while. She is still in the hospital, but she is doing better. Everyday is a bright day as she slowly regains her strength. Hopefully she can come home soon. Thank you to all of those that have been super kind and sending in their wishes and prayers.
Update: She has arrived back in Canada for further treatment. I hadn't had the chance to see her yet, but I know that if I did, seeing her hooked up to all those machines, I will lose it and start crying as soon as I lay my eyes on her.
Update: She is getting better! She starting to talk and breathe again on her own, but she still pretty weak and needs to catch her breath when he speaks. But at least she off the ventilator and now uses an oxygen mask.
Thoughts and prayers and hopeful wishing are all I need right now. My Grandmother is in the hospital hooked to a ventilator because she had fluid in her lugs that made hard for her to breathe. Today she was suppose to be off it, but her oxygen levels dropped. I can't visit her because she and...
Spending all night as GS is something I never thought I would do, but I did and I enjoyed it. It was the most fun I have ever had here...ever! I enjoyed being a girl more so than I enjoy being a boy.