Search results

  1. MargoH

    Oh Well ....

    *looks in mirror ...not that ugly, scar healed well, smile still sparkles...ok enough of that*
  2. MargoH

    How empty

    No one since I signed off yesteday at 10:31pm ? being at a wake.
  3. MargoH

    Nite all, my head isn't here

    Nobody here chatting, posts disappear. You'd think it was Friday the 13th again.
  4. MargoH


    I don't understand this. Story of my freaked up life.
  5. MargoH

    What Happened

    Lost previous posts. WTF?
  6. MargoH

    OK.....slow night I see.

    Be on a short while but getting to sleep before long. Full schedule tomorrow.
  7. MargoH

    Been A While ... Hi

    Not sure how this goes. Been quite long since I was here last
  8. MargoH


    New here, anyone on ?