just for fun

  1. AkshayGoodOne

    Dad Jokes and Bad Jokes ☺️

    Hey there. This thread may evoke cringe inside you, but while your PJs and stupid puns won't be acclaimed elsewhere, just fill this one with whatever puns and jokes are in your pun-eumonia inflicted mind.Sure, they can be so bad that they're good . I'll start. 1.Why are bisexual people rude...
  2. DRXXX


    HELLO HELLO DRXXX your friendly forum QUACK here LADIES...Are you feeling down and blue? Is your vitamin D and O intake adequate? Are you eating plenty of fresh ? Do you have a BOO BOO in need of KISSING? Due for for a PHYSICAL? Heart problems? Or need help with your energy levels and fitness...
  3. I

    Random fact of the day!

    A random fact a day keeps the boredom at bay! Today's random facts: Ladybird orgasms last 30 minutes Orchids can get jet lag Sir Bruce Forsyth is four months older than sliced bread.