
  1. T

    Best place for Sex

    I live in a flat, where is the best place to have sex in it?
  2. BadNia24

    SwanSong to My Roommate

    Lol my old college roommate back in 2019, the one who opened me up to bisexuality truly. To be honest, she was a bit of a slob, left her clothes everywhere and neverrr took out the trash on time, but she was a good friend! She talked like a blonde white girl, but whenever her mom called her...
  3. M

    Roommates betting 'favours' on a game

    You're my college roommate hanging out with me over a weekend challenging each other to a game when we get bored & make a wager. Loser must obey a single command from the winner. These 'dares' get more sexual with time, and the game itself can also become something sexual. You can play a...