A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the most notorious Pyrate


OFC Regular
so long as it's legal eh? Well, i'm the worst pyrate you've ever heard of. A man who can be trusted, who can be counted on, and who can't betray his friends. What kind of pyrate is that? The worst. On the other hand, maybe I'm a man who can't pass up a chance for revenge against the black-hearted bastards who stole my honor and left me to die in the middle of a desert -- twice! -- and who knows how to get what he wants. Now, that's a great pyrate. I confess, I intend to commandeer a ship, pick up a crew in Tortuga, and go on the account, to do a little honest piracy, and raid, pillage, plunder, and otherwise pilfer my weaselly black guts out.
Man, your Honor must be one good lookin' woman to have been stolen --- twice!
alas there is nothing feminine in my honor that was taken and thus emasculated me; however on another occasion it could be said that a women whom took my innocence in my misspent youth, but that is tale for another time...
It was a joke lol I wasn't saying you were in any way feminine, or emasculated but I'm sorry, i didn't mean any offense by it....

I dig pirates, wanted to be one when I was younger. My favorite pirate was Morgan Adams from Cutthroat Island (movie), and I used to pretend I was her. :)
It was a joke lol I wasn't saying you were in any way feminine, or emasculated but I'm sorry, i didn't mean any offense by it....

I dig pirates, wanted to be one when I was younger. My favorite pirate was Morgan Adams from Cutthroat Island (movie), and I used to pretend I was her. :)
well, that's fine, because i was not offended in anyway whatsoever by your conversational points...

ah, pirates are an interesting lot, especially when one is younger; I have heard tales and whispers of this cinematic masterpiece but have yet to lay eyes upon it... i was always partial to Dr. Peter Blood from Captain Blood (the movie versus the novel) but I was ne'er as so bold as to make believe or pretend the role.
Ah, yes, the ever intriguing adventures of one savvy pyrate, always in the throes of mischief, but has this worst and great pyrate procured his jar of dirt?
"Knowing that the reason for the jar of dirt runs the risk of being absconded by the most unscrupulous persons imaginable, i have found a place upriver to be safe from the fury of the unpredictable Sea, and yet in close enough proximity to it, to occasionally & daringly risk life and limb to be out upon it, defying the powers... savvy?"
"Knowing that the reason for the jar of dirt runs the risk of being absconded by the most unscrupulous persons imaginable, i have found a place upriver to be safe from the fury of the unpredictable Sea, and yet in close enough proximity to it, to occasionally & daringly risk life and limb to be out upon it, defying the powers... savvy?"
Oh the cleverness and cheekiness of the most creative capt’n in this fishbowl, scheming and bamboozling the natural order of things with finesse