New Member
Hi I'm Naudia. I'm 29 years old. I have 4 children...two biologically my husband's and two before marriage or relationship. I've been by this man's side since day one. Take care of the kids, cook, clean, and everything. He's without work and choose to not work at a fast food restaurant but waits hand and foot for a one day job. I'm only 29 years old with so many health problems. I should be healthy and active, yet I'm not. I'm trying to be the best wife I can, but how can you when you yearn for love and affection. I don't ask for much. If I cook, clean, wash, and tend to the children then the only obligation I ask is for you to pay the bills and I DO THAT! I'm tired! I need a responsible, reliable husband. I just need someone to talk to. I'm just tired as about to explode