Asking for chat tips.


Well-Known Member
OFC Regular
When I say chatting I don't mean just going straight for trying to get sexually involved. I make every attempt to not be another ass waving his dick around like a desperate moron. I have a hammer and all problems are looking like nails. What can I be doing differently then what I am right now?

A typical approach may be something from her status, profile, or comment that I admire, respect, or agree with followed by some form of how are you. I don't understand what I am doing wrong and I seeking advice from others. Thanks for any thing.

[QUOTE = "Gunnerzz, post: 12205, member: 13943"] Wenn ich Chatten mache, dann meine ich nicht einfach, dass ich mich sexuell engagieren will. Ich mache jeden Versuch, kein anderer Arsch zu sein, der seinen Schwanz herumwirbelt wie ein verzweifelter Idiot. Ich habe einen Hammer und alle Probleme sehen aus wie Nägel. Was kann ich anders machen als das, was ich gerade bin?

Ein typischer Ansatz kann etwas aus ihrem Status, Profil oder Kommentar sein, den ich bewundere, respektiere oder zustimme, gefolgt von einer Form wie du es bist. Ich verstehe nicht, was ich falsch mache, und ich suche Ratschläge von anderen. Danke für alles.

~ Gunnerzz [/ QUOTE]
Gunnerz .... wo ist Dein Problem?Wenn man Deinen Text liest bemerkt man das Du nicht dumm bist und auch bemerkst was hier abgeht
When I say chatting I don't mean just going straight for trying to get sexually involved. I make every attempt to not be another ass waving his dick around like a desperate moron. I have a hammer and all problems are looking like nails. What can I be doing differently then what I am right now?

A typical approach may be something from her status, profile, or comment that I admire, respect, or agree with followed by some form of how are you. I don't understand what I am doing wrong and I seeking advice from others. Thanks for any thing.
