Cock Fight.


Well-Known Member
OFC Regular
Whelp, I did a ladies one. I might as well do a guys one. Ladies vote on your favorite dudes picture on here. Maybe it won't just be a penis or something who know's. (it's going to be a penis) The guy with the most likes on his picture wins.. and you get the bragging rights of having the one cock to rule them all or something.

Also dudes post pictures on this thread and maybe the women will vote on them.

Ladies, if you see a dick you think is the mushroom of all mushrooms, the shaft to end all shafts, the heftiest of hefties, the schwarmiest of schwarms, the duke of dicks, The Allcock, the all seeing one eyed shaft, the... you know what I think you get it at this point, throw a like on that thing.

Dudes continued, also if you are gay whatever throw a like on that dick too let them know how you feel.