couldn't help myself..... the weekend Part 8


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He went on to say he loved how my legs would wrap around him as he made love to me and how each time he's slip back into my happy place they'd lift me up to meet his thrusts causing our bodies to crash down onto the bed. He then said how as he with-drew his tool to slid it back in again my happy place felt like a million tiny fingers trying to grab it so he couldn't. With that he leaned into me once again and kissed me deeply how great it was just to spend time with me making love with me was truly amazing and how honored I made him feel that I shared that time with him. Just the way he was talking, the tone in his voice and way his voice cracked as he said it had tears running down my face as I leaned into him and kissed him telling him that was because he inspired me too. With that he lifted me off my chair and sat me on his lace facing him as we wrapped each other in our arms and started making out like a couple kids in the back seat of their car. After last night neither of had the need to go any further then to rub our happy places together as we made out but we hadn't recovered that much yet. Soon after we both had the same thought "coffee" as I got up from his lap and went to grab the coffee pot as he hurried over to get the cream and soon after we were sitting there talking once again making plans for our day as he grabbed a remote and turned on the small TV in the kitchen to get the weather. They were calling for another nice warm day so we both agreed a nice motorcycle ride along the coast to Maine was a great idea. He said if I wanted we'd stop somewhere along the way for brunch and I said that sounded great but first I wanted to change the sheet and blankets on his bed and throw the dirty one into the wash so it would be ready for him tonight and he smiled saying he'd help. As soon as we opened his bedroom door and stepped in all you could seem was our juices filling the air and I hurried over to rip the bedding off as he went to get fresh sheets and blankets to put on the bed. I remembered seeing the laundry room was just off the kitchen when I walked in so as he was getting the fresh bedding I brought the dirty things and put them in the washing machine before meeting him in the bedroom. As soon as I walked back into the bedroom I felt a blast of fresh air wash over my naked body and I saw that he had opened the windows to air out the room saying it seriously needed it and I had to laugh saying it was all his fault. Soon after we had the bed all set and Charlie suggested a quick shower and we'd be on our way which sounded like a great idea to me. Soon after we had climbed into the shower and was helping each other wash before getting out and drying each other off and heading to his bedroom to get dressed to go. As he started getting his clothes out to get dressed he said I could just wear what I wore over the day before as we were just going out for a ride but I said I didn't need too. With that he spun around and smiled as he said that me riding on the back of his bike might be a great idea but added it would attract too much attention. I just had to laugh and it would be interesting but I had planned ahead as I pulled out a clean skirt and top to wear just incase and he just smiled and said, "I I said before, you're amazing" as we started to get dressed. The skirt I had packed was just a black spandex mini that like most spandex was very form fitting with a sheer while tube top and a vest where you could mostly see through the top. I didn't even bothing taking out the bra and panties as I remembered him saying he didn't want me wearing them when I was with him as after putting on a pair of sneakers I was ready to go and we headed out to the garage and climbed on the motorcycle. Just as before I wasn't expecting on riding on the back of a motorcycle, or horseback riding, so as I climbed on the bike behind Charlie I had to scoot forward and snuggle close and wrap my legs around him so my happy place was hidden from view and soon after we were on our way ro places unknown to either of us. Riding along the coast of New England is not the fastest way to get anywhere but there are placed where Mother Nature outdid herself as the view leaves you in aww of it's beauty. Both Charlie and I knew this but we didn't care as it was the whole idea of the ride we were taking, just to spend time together and enjoy the nice weather. We had been riding for a couple of hours just talking and enjoying each other's company when we saw a sign that said "world's best breakfast just ahead" and we both had the same thought of stopping for brunch as we had planned so minutes later we were pulling into the parking lot. As we did we noticed that the parking lot was filled with mostly trucks or all different sizes from the smaller ones you see making local deliveries to the big 18 wheelers, some of them pulling a trailer. As he drove around looking for a place to park he said the sign we saw must be right because truckers always seem to know where to eat and this place was loaded.