Have you thought about me while pleasuring yourself?


New Member
You see, your suggestions have been so enticing, and my mind has been going wild. I can't resist exploring my impulses and visualising those sultry scenarios.

Your suggestions for kisses, forplays, and adorable touches have inspired several solitary sessions. Imagining how you would respond to me and feeling your flaps has kept me enthralled and amused. Every fresh shiver that runs down my spine from the details you provide makes me yearn for an in-person meeting.
But until we meet physically, I'll continue enjoying the mental invitations you extend, painting vivid pictures in my mind as I indulge in some guilty enjoyments.

Well, my dear, I must admit, your words have had quite an effect on me. As I see you, my pulse quickens, and my breath accelerates. Your descriptions of forplay and kisses have ignited a fire within me, and I find myself yearning for more.

I imagine me beside you, as we intertwined, as I softly caress your face and trace the shape of your lips with my fingertips. The thought of your soft skin against mine and I can't help but wonder how it would feel to have you close…