Hey everybody it me mangoman13


o_O:D:):cool: How is everyone in this site? Of couse I like women a lot oh boy do I like women. Did I mention I like women. Ok for staters my favorite fruit is mango and anything that has to do with mangos, my favorite color is Orange, I'm 38 y/o:)o_O I'm 5'8" I'm a "Man" of course. And I live by myself. If you want to you can ask me anything you want, I'll try to answer it the best to my
knowledge for you ;) and if your out there "Masokitten" I would very much love it if you can talk to me or send a message my way ok thanks.;):)
Mango! I would welcome you to the site but you have been here for a few days. So I will say, Welcome to the Forum!
Mango! I would welcome you to the site but you have been here for a few days. So I will say, Welcome to the Forum!
And thank you Mrs. Sandrock's Girlfriend for reading my new post as well and I think this website is a whole lot nicer than chatforfree.com
Aww, thank you.
We aren't always sweet though. We can be sour sometimes, but we try not to be.