I have over 5 years experience giving head, here are my tips.


New Member
I'm a 22 year old student of fashion journalism from NYC and a self-proclaimed blowjob enthusiast. I started my career as a cocksucker 5 years ago today and I've blown hundreds of men in dirty bathroom stalls of nightclubs in NYC. Since I'm studying to become a fashion journalist, I will use this space to exercise my journalistic side and write about what I consider to be the tips I wish I had been told 5 years ago about how to give great head. Let's go!

1. Ask About What He Likes
Blowjob has the word job in it for a reason. It's an activity that responds to supply and demand and if you suck at it (no pun intended), no one will want to consume your product. And how do companies find out which product to manufacture? They survey consumer trends to find out what the consumer wants in order to best service them and it's not different when it comes to giving head. When you're past foreplay and you're heading south in order to embrace his manhood with your mouth, ask him what he likes.

I remember countless times I did that and the guy was very specific in how he wanted the blowjob to be performed, just like a consumer telling his service provider (winky wink) how he would like his product made. Some men I've asked this have told me they have a foreskin and wanted me to put my tongue between the foreskin and the glans because that was his thing and that's what I did, some have told me they don't want me to use my hands during the blowjob, some have told me they want me to gag because they find it hot, some have told me not to gag, some have told me to push the dick into my cheeks like when you're simulating a blowjob using your tongue and some have just told me to just suck the dick and keep the fuck quiet. I've been told a LOT of things! Which brings us to the next point that...

2. You should definitely pretend he's in charge of the situation.

Men are dominant by nature and this dominance gets boosted by 2000% when their dick is erect. You can definitely escalate his experience of getting head by learning how to manipulate your body language and facial expressions in order to convey to him the idea that he's under control of the situation (I mean this in the animalistic way), even though in the end you are the one with his entire manhood between two sets of teeth.

This is more of a psychological trick rather than a practical tip. You can achieve this by, while kneeling in front of him giving head, pushing your shoulders forwards in order to make yourself look smaller making it look like you're scared; raising your eyebrows while keeping a dead look in your eyes in order to imply apathy or fear and keeping constant visual contact with him in order to convey this sense that you are seeking his approval. Obviously, you should do this very subtly, otherwise it will look fake and forced. This is a subliminal technique you should employ without overdoing it and it can make your blowjob much more exciting.

3. Accept blowjobs aren't clean and embrace them.

Girls reading this, I know you probably have difficulties dealing with others' bodily fluids, but when you put yourself in a situation that implies you're going to put his dick in your mouth, you should toughen up and not ruin his experience for some arbitrary reason like "the tip of his dick had an incredibly faint smell of pee!" Dicks spit out pee, pre-cum and cum and literally none of these 3 fluids can kill you. Unless he has a huge, pulsating and disgusting wart at the base of his dick full of pus, then you shouldn't blow him.

I have had conversations with my friends about this and I was surprised by how many of them couldn't blow their partner's dick because "it smelled weird" or "it had this gooey thing coming out of it". You know very well our vaginas pose a much bigger chemical threat than dicks and you don't see boys backing out. Which brings us to the next tip!

4. Spitters are quitters.

Long story short: If worked his dick until he nutted in your mouth, you don't have the right to spit, period. I don't care how disgusting it tastes, you are morally obliged to just gulp it down and to go on with your life. Spitting the load is comparable to running a 1000 mile marathon only to give up due to fatigue when you've run 990 mile's worth. It's cum, it's okay, and it tastes horrible, I know, but you can swallow it and it's full of good things. It's extremely unladylike to spit it out and you shouldn't do it.

Once I heard that you should never hire a person you can't fire. Guess what? You should never blow a guy whose cum you won't agree to swallow.

The taste of a guy's load is very dependent on his diet. One thing I can hint you towards is: If you have a problem with foul-tasting cum, avoid blowing bodybuilders or very strong dudes. They often take protein supplements and those powders make your cum taste like dead cockroach. Guys, eat pineapple! It makes your cum taste like happiness and love!

5. Want his dick.

Okay, currently I'm in a very serious relationship, but as I said, I have given a lot of head throughout the years to many fortunate men who have had the privilege to stumble upon me in NYC's nightlife. This piece of advice is for the women who are in a relationship and it's something so obvious and with such a huge impact that I get surprised so few women do it: Have the initiative and ask him if you can give him head.

There's this one thing men love in women and that is when they like the same thing, especially if that thing is something typically masculine. Like monster trucks, shooting guns, watching boxing matches and blowjobs! Blowjobs are typically masculine because girls in general don't like sucking dick (no, doing it just because he asked you to doesn't qualify as "liking"). The thrill a guy gets when he hears you like shooting and collecting guns is the same one he'll get when you tell him one of your hobbies is giving head. One thing I like suggesting to girls if they are early birds is to be his alarm clock. Get up, prepare breakfast and wake him up with a blowjob. You with his dick in your mouth has to be the first thing he sees when he opens his eyes.


One thing is to be an actress who has worked 3 regional commercials on TV, another thing is to be Jennifer Lawrence. If you give regular head, you're just that, an unknown, underground actress with minor roles. If you deepthroat, you get catapulted into stardom, because it is that awesome. You can easily take a man to heaven and back and being able to swallow his entire dick repeatedly, as if your throat were your vagina. This is basically how you fix marriages, if you want me to be honest.

Learning to deepthroat is simple but cumbersome, here's how I did it. Ever seen those long and slender balloons clowns use to make animals? Buy a few, inflate them and learn to introduce them into your esophagus without triggering your gag reflex. They're not gonna explode, unless you overinflate them or if they're damaged (and even if they do, it's just going to be a very awkward experience and you'll release a very long burp). One hint is to lay down in bed with your head hanging out and shove the balloon into your throat, because that way it will be a straight shot into your throat and it will be less uncomfortable.

7. Be disgusting and noisy!

Captain Obvious here: Men like their women to be sluts in the bedroom and virgin princesses in society and the easiest way to ruin a relationship is to take your princess side to the bedroom (and the easiest way to never engage in a serious relationship is to bring your slut side into society). We get it! You want to look like a respectable human in society who imposes herself and want other people to look up to you, that's okay, but the bedroom is exactly the place you're supposed to let the dogs out and let go of all restraints. The bedroom is the place you have to be unladylike, nobody is looking, except for the person you trust most with such unladylike behavior.

In other words, don't censor yourself! Spit on his dick, make loud slurping sounds, yell sexual non-sense if it makes you horny, bob your head back and forth on his dick like you're an animal, it's okay. It will only make you more attractive in his eyes. Love isn't always pretty.

8. Don't neglect the balls.

Simply put, suck his balls. If a blowjob were the movie Titanic, DiCaprio and Kate Winslet would be the dick and Kate Winslet's husband, that rich snobbish guy, would be the balls. The movie would have still been very good only with DiCaprio and Kate, but her husband added more depth to the movie.

Don't suck his balls like they're his dick, but don't neglect his balls either! Put both his balls in your mouth and move them around with your tongue while his dick sits on your face, he will love the sight of that. Or just use your hands and caress his balls, it will be equally as good.

I don't have to remind you that you're supposed to be very careful and that they're very sensitive, right?

9. Pretend you're a vacuum cleaner.

Put his dick in your mouth, use your lips to seal your mouth shut, suck some of the air out of your mouth, start bobbing your head back and forth and watch his facial expressions. You can even play with different degrees of vacuum!


Anyway, that's it! I hope I could help someone with my guide. I'm often at #SexChat, if you see me, hit me up because I love talking about blowjobs! They are my favorite subject. Or just send me a private message on the forums. Bye bye!

Really informative and educational. Makes me want to offer blowjobs myself :p

I really like the honesty and sincerity the subject is dealt with. We often take such topics for granted and end up trivializing sexual deprivation and need for a better sexual experience.
I think such articles would really help people understand and consider taking the art of "Giving someone pleasure" rather seriously.

I'd also like to commend on how analogies are used, such as the analogy of market demand and supply in the first point. I am a fan of analogies myself. The princess in society and slut in bedroom clause was found quite oracular, to be honest. The points are well-articulated, and essayed with the flair and panache in your writing.

The quality and coordinated structure of the piece clearly justifies your association with journalism :)

Well, Good job and Kudos.
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