I need a talk with someone


OFC Regular
Hi I'm Brandon Haling I'm 24 years old and my birthday is March 16 1994 year I was born and I need help I get depressed and anxiety and sad well idk what to do with my life I need help and I wanna have girlfriend it hard to do everyone calling me names and beat me down for something I didn't do wrong
Don't let other people affect your ability to live love and laugh you are an amazing young man who will find the right person when the time is right in the mean time come hang out with us
Ps. You are perfect the way you are dont let anyone tell you different
Don't let other people affect your ability to live love and laugh you are an amazing young man who will find the right person when the time is right in the mean time come hang out with us
Ps. You are perfect the way you are dont let anyone tell you different
Awww thanks you