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NASA scientists plan to launch pictures of naked humans into space in the hope of luring aliens to us.
The depictions will also include an invitation to respond should an intelligent alien race find the space nudes.
Fortunately, the hypothetical aliens shouldn’t be too shocked by the unsolicited nudes.
The pictures aren’t graphic photographs of naked humans but a drawing of a naked man and a woman next to a depiction of DNA.
The man and woman are waving in an attempt to look more inviting.
NASA scientists revealed the image in a study that’s part of a project called the “Beacon in the Galaxy” (BITG).
The main aim of the BITG project is to send a message to any alien civilizations that could be out there.
Scientists think the pixelated illustration of a naked man and woman waving hello could help us finally make contact with extraterrestrials.
Along with the nude figures and a DNA depiction, the scientists have also tried to depict gravity.
This all adds up to become an updated binary-coded message that can be sent into space.
Scientists think a binary-coded message is most likely to be understood by aliens.

Astronomers suggest sending nude humans images into space for aliens
Space agencies should beam messages — including digitized images of naked humans — into space in the hope of luring aliens to Earth, astronomers have suggested.