no more

Hoping a mod or admin gets back to ya on this - but from what I understand, even though it was accidental and you didn't have any ill intent by posting the meme, it's clearly stated in the site's terms/rules that posting images of kids in any way is prohibited.

The mods are just following instructions and keeping an eye on everything in general to help keep the chats safe. It's our responsibility as members to read and follow these rules that are in place (that so many of us ignore - I've done it too) if we want to enjoy chat without any issues.

Also, from what I've seen, the ban only lasts a week. But again, hopefully a mod/admin can further clarify/assist!
The ban sucks, I know, cuz ya didn't mean anything by it - but it's a good thing that they're being that vigilant and working hard to keep the rooms safer, too, ya know?

I couldn't be more grateful to them for the help they've given me and continue to give me on other "matters" lol

Someone will get back to ya soon, i'm sure!
  • Do not share content displaying real or fictional figures under age 18.
I understand the meme was in innocence but there are no exceptions to the rule.
It is clearly stated on the log in page and also in the TOU.
The ban is usually 3 days.