Request for a New Room


Active Member
OFC Regular
I know I speak for many members when I say we're quite tired of dealing with guests sometimes when we simply want to have good conversation. I think it would be greatly appreciated by the members of OFC to have a room just for members.
I know I speak for many members when I say we're quite tired of dealing with guests sometimes when we simply want to have good conversation. I think it would be greatly appreciated by the members of OFC to have a room just for members.
On Profiles which is where some of us came from, there was a verified room. Only members who had been verified by pic or on cam could go in there. No guests... It was really nice.
Jake, while I do think that is a good idea, what will be said is what Irene answered with: Make your own room and simply kick the guests out.
Would it not be time consuming kicking guests out every now and then ?