Why am I here ?


Well-Known Member
OFC Regular
I was in a bad car accident in Mar, 2017. I was badly injured and by all rights should have died . I have seen less severe wrecks and no one survived . I recovered as best as I could from my injuries but what haunts me, what keeps lingering in my mind is Why am I still here! Why me! I am not special is this a gift or did I not suffer enough from my injuries . Maybe living is my hell I dont know or is there someone or something that needs me before I go. (sighs)Things To ponder.
Hey David,

thank you for sharing that part of your life. I can’t imagine what you have been through. All I could think of when I read your post is that I think you are special because you survived. Physically, mentally and emotionally you are here to tell the tale.

I don’t know if you will ever figure out why you, but you did, and I hope one day you see it as a gift.

Look after yourself :)