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  • Thoughts and prayers and hopeful wishing are all I need right now. My Grandmother is in the hospital hooked to a ventilator because she had fluid in her lugs that made hard for her to breathe. Today she was suppose to be off it, but her oxygen levels dropped. I can't visit her because she and grandpa are on vacation in Phoenix, Arizona. So please all thoughts and prayers are welcome.
    • Sad
    Reactions: ViXxXeN
    Update: She is getting better! She starting to talk and breathe again on her own, but she still pretty weak and needs to catch her breath when he speaks. But at least she off the ventilator and now uses an oxygen mask.
    Update: She is getting transferred back to Canada for further treatment
    Update: She has arrived back in Canada for further treatment. I hadn't had the chance to see her yet, but I know that if I did, seeing her hooked up to all those machines, I will lose it and start crying as soon as I lay my eyes on her.
    Spending all night as GS is something I never thought I would do, but I did and I enjoyed it. It was the most fun I have ever had here...ever! I enjoyed being a girl more so than I enjoy being a boy.
    Let me clear something up. GS and Spider-Fan are two separate beings. GS is a female (she/her). She has girl clothes (Skirt, Tank top, bra and panties) and girl parts (breasts and vagina). SF is male(he/him) SF has boy clothes (Sweatpants, t-shirt, boxers) and boy parts (penis).

    Anyone who has a problem with this and doesn't follow the rule will be blocked and ignored
    I hate nosebleeds so much. I had them since I could remember. Now don't worry it only happens every once in a while when I hit something, or it gets too dry, or I get too hot, or sometimes it just happens without warning. I find them super annoying. But on the plus side I get to joke that I am on my period...(Don't ask why I say that, I just find it funny to say that)
    If I offend anyone who is actually a girl or anyone in the LGBTQIA+ community just know that I am sorry and that I mean no harm or offence.
    Some nights I will use this acc with the Spider-Fan (Spider/Spidey) name with he/him, others this acc under GS with he/him or she/her depending on how I feel. Other times I will use a guest acc with the name GS using she/her (2/2)
    TLDR: I made a GF joke a long time ago in rp chat and then that joke became part of my identity. Recently I have been having thoughts and I have been exploring things about myself and I just want to say thank you to all the people that have been supporting me since the beginning and those of you who will support me now. GFSF (Girlfriend Spider-Fan) or GS (Girl Spider) are names that I go by in rp chat. (1/2)
    I would now like to thank everyone who has been by my side during these times. I would like to thank the friends I made who have supported and cared for me. I would also like to thank the mods, especially @ViXxXeN, who has welcomed me to the OFC family with open and caring arms. And now to end this the only way I know how, with a nerdy quote from one Tony Stark aka Iron Man “I love you 3000.” (3/3)
    I would also like to take this time to talk about the ban I got. I made a really dark joke that I admit went too far and because of that I got hit with a ban. This ban was not a surprise to me as I said before I made a dark joke that I knew was pushing the limits and I apologize to anyone who found the joke offensive or upsetting. (2/3)
    You do know that your ban is only temporary, right? Wait another day or two and it will be over and you can go back into chat.
    Yes...but being overly dramatic about it makes it funny
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