god dammit

  1. J

    Ego The Beast Within Our Minds Part 4

    Possibly, the greatest ally in my struggles against Ego, is the knowledge that there does exist another GodSelf reality. Moreover, that I can choose to dwell in whichever house I desire. I have known what life is like when I allow EgoSelf to run amok, unabated. It is not a pretty sight...
  2. J

    Ego The Beast Within Our Minds Part 3

    We fail to see the Godself reality hidden behind the physical plane of Ego. Against the teachings of modern day science, we trust our world is solid, separate, molecular. Egoic expression traps us in a physical shell, ego leaves us shackled to a very limited reality. In the absence of Ego, we...
  3. Satyriasis


    A guy putts up himself for a tributes and gets no responses from girls an girl puts herself up for tributes and gets close to hundreds of men nutting for them do we as men notice the imbalance? Shore the girls are giving us naked pictures for us to feel some kind of connection with the opposite...