A Rock and a Man


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OFC Regular
A Rock and a Man

I may be a rock, that others may rely on me, depend on me, trust me to be there through the storm... But some storms can break even the strongest rocks.

Where there was once a rock, solid and steady, there is now only sand, soft and unstable. Where there was once strength, there is now nothing.

I am as steady as a rock, able to hold stress, pressure, and storm.... But even rocks wear down and become sand.

Eventually, that sand becomes rock again; from soft and changing sand comes a hard and unchanging rock. Life has built me, broken me, and built me again into a stronger person... A stronger man.

From rock, sand; from sand, rock. I am a rock, strong and steady. I am faithful, reliable, honest, and strong. I am a rock, and others may look to me for help, assistance, advice, friendship, and loyalty.

Sand becomes rock after being melted and molded by the heat of the earth; I have been rebuilt by the heat of stress and struggle. I am strong.

This is one of the very first things I wrote. It came from a dark time in my life when it seemed I was so strong and yet I was still managing to fall down and be tripped up by life. Many of the experiences I've had are similar to this analogy, which has resulted in the person who I am today.
It is very good. Thank you for sharing it.