Are you?

As the op said, and I quote...

Simple enough, answer the previous question/post and leave the next “Are you......?”

I’ll start - are you enjoying your Saturday night?



I do not believe in luck. That’s the same thing as believing in a god in my opinion. Silly, pointless, waste of energy. I prefer to make my dreams a reality, which I will do. No matter who or what stands in my way, FACT!!!


A fan of Johnathan Kellerman novels?
No? Ima duh brain remember?:rolleyes:

Are you able to lay alone and watch some weird af movie about cannibals and not get freaked out?

@MissMonroe I’ve read three of his books the last few days and I just admit he’s good, even though most are older works they’re worth the read. Have fun!
Not yet no but I got my camera today so I’ll be sure to take a ton of pics and upload them as soon as I get home! Well after I’ve emptied myself... Blue balls tho... Sigh... Wait what?!?:confused:


Aggressive, in everything so fuckit!!!

Are you a film buff or a gym buff?

@MissMonroe I got a few good pics of an eagle, a couple wild geese and some hares too! We’re supposed to go hiking tomorrow if the weather holds so hopefully I eventually get a few good shots of the little buggers!!!