Are you?

I don't associate Europe with racism, although there is racism everywhere. I am ashamed of Europe as a concept. Politicians trying to form one Europe. It SUCKS big time!

Are you sometimes in awe over the way insects are built?
I love how insects are more infrastructually strategic than human builders with their shelters and also their houses. You could have 200 insects helping together to build houses in their metropolis, whereas an average of 40 human builders building a skyscraper for 3 and a half years, depending on their materials they are provided by their contractors.

Are you a huge treehugger?
I am, I once went to the oldest olive tree in Greece. I was together with my bf at the time, he was 2.06 m. We stood around the tree and our hands were not able to touch, we had to be with 5 people to hug the tree.

Are you affiliated with a political party?
At one stage I was affiliated with the Australian Labor Party (center-left), because I was all about welfare freedom at the time. After hearing insinuations in terms of feminism and also forced LGBTQI rights, I had lost all faith in the two party system, and was affiliated with Australia First Party (far-right). I was heavily interested in Australian core values, but at the same time I was deeply interested on progressing to an advanced future, rather than looking into archaic technology and ideologies we're enduring right now.

After I had broken free from the spectrum, I finally became a free thinker and a free spirited person who likes to keep it neutral, but also progress for the people; as political systems are used as ad nauseam 100% of the time.

Are you into desalinated water?
Yes unfortunately, working from home on a full day video conference, so no rolling my eyes, yawning, looking bored, not been able to message here :rolleyes:
(Seriously I am very grateful to have a job in these tough times)

Are you an extrovert?
Apparently I am, again yes lol! Feels good meeting new people tho... I fucking love fishing!!! Coffee tho... Fuck!!!

Are you the only dude who’d go fishing when it’s 13dc wearing shorts?

*Im back in a fishing club btw... Feels good knowing I don’t have to go alone anymore tho... Garrick for brekkies!!! YESH!!!
I don't fish at all. In fact I hate fishing with a passion.

Are you the guy who have major malfunctions, whenever you're told by mom and dad to help them out sometimes?
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I don't drink, although I'm actually a screamer in real life. I get angry very easy, whenever I get somewhat agitated.

Are you looking forward to Winter Solstice?
Very much so yes. My eldest says I’m a child stuck in, and I quote, “A graying old man” body so yes. Yes I am and I’m fucking proud of it too!!!

Are you happy cause there’s finally some fucking sunshine and you’ve also got your mountain bike fixed and feel all... Bawitidaba, and SHIT!?

*Jfc this day is brilliance!!!
Dudette I’ve got fresh fish and I’m cooking for six people AND it’s sunny outside so... FUCKING A IM HAPPY!!!

Are you hopped up on too much caffeine and making stupid af jokes with people who you’ve just met but they seem ok so you’re gonna make them the best meal they’ve ever had?!?

*Best Sunday EVER!!!
I definitely had too much caffeine. It's the classic reason why I say alot of stupid shit to portray as clickbait! It literally worked.

Are you thinking about smashing your phone, if you're triggered to the core online?