Can or can't

Can’t, it was the first high school dance and we got into my dads homemade blueberry wine while they were out. I don’t remember anything, they called my dad to pick me up from the dance and I woke up in bed the next morning thinking I got away with it

Can you remember your first frightening experience?
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Well it’s kinda dark but yes, but yes I can... I was all cozy af and all of a sudden there was this tunnel, and at the end of said tunnel I saw a light. It was bright, brighter than I had ever encountered and it pulled at my very being, drawing me ever closer, unrelenting, powerful yet with a sense of newness too... That’s when I got my first slap. True story!!! *dies*

Can you make a escargot and mushroom soup?

*So I’ve got weird taste, bite me!!!