Can or can't

I couldn't resist asking that car question! My brother should be teaching a class on this, he's seized 3 car engines :D:p:D:p:D
Yes, I can change a tire (tyre). I also know how to check the oil level in a car (unlike my bro!!)

Can you spend a day cuddling in beef
Lol glad you can do that sounds like your bro needs lessons from you

Thread yes i can cuddle in the beef dont know how long it would stay by cuddling

Can you walk around half naked in your house?
My bro is a lost cause, LOL!

Oops.. :oops: That was supposed to say bed.. I wrote that at 5:20 AM..

I just walked around my house half naked before writing this response. :D

Can you spend all day cuddling in bed?