Axel1245 Well-Known Member OFC Regular Sep 12, 2021 #5,681 Not to safe my life lmao Can you do the tango?
Sweet_Angel92 Well-Known Member OFC Regular Sep 12, 2021 #5,682 Can’t can you saw a hole up in a shirt or pants?
xShygirlx Well-Known Member OFC Regular Sep 13, 2021 #5,683 Can can you cook an entire thanksgiving meal by yourself?
Sweet_Angel92 Well-Known Member OFC Regular Sep 13, 2021 #5,686 Can’t have no clue what that is Can you do a handstand under water?
xShygirlx Well-Known Member OFC Regular Sep 13, 2021 #5,687 Yes! Can. With the water’s help Can you do a handstand without a wall?
K Kris730903 Well-Known Member Sep 16, 2021 #5,691 Bit beyond my skill set. Can you give yourself injections
Axel1245 Well-Known Member OFC Regular Sep 29, 2021 #5,692 Never tried but cant be to hard ? Can you drink a bottle of brandy and not wake up with a hangover
C Cinders Well-Known Member OFC Regular Sep 29, 2021 #5,693 Never tried but ig probably not Can you go a day without music?
BabyShady Well-Known Member OFC Regular Sep 29, 2021 #5,694 HELL NO. Can u catch a butterfly to land on your hand?
Axel1245 Well-Known Member OFC Regular Oct 3, 2021 #5,695 Havent tried that in years but i was able to do that Can you do a all night gaming marathon and still be ok to go to work
Havent tried that in years but i was able to do that Can you do a all night gaming marathon and still be ok to go to work
xShygirlx Well-Known Member OFC Regular Oct 5, 2021 #5,696 can can you sneeze without shutting your eyes?
BabyShady Well-Known Member OFC Regular Oct 5, 2021 #5,697 Can. Can u play an entire song on a drum solo?
Luvitsmooth Well-Known Member OFC Regular Oct 6, 2021 #5,698 Can't Can you understand why everyone thought Friends was such a great show?
BabyShady Well-Known Member OFC Regular Oct 6, 2021 #5,699 Can't. Can u program a universal remote without the instructions?
K Kris730903 Well-Known Member Oct 6, 2021 #5,700 Yes had a few so had practice. Can you tell when someone is trying to rip you off