Funny questions

Questions starting with What is or What are. :)

What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever worn?
A yellow tie...was for a special event where everybody were wearing it...
What is your biggest dream that you want to become reality...
PS: I really enjoy ...maybe we have the chance again...
I remember being In primary school and I don’t know exactly what happened but an unfortunate incident happened to a girl in my year where the fanny pad machine(what we called it at the time) went on fire and the school was evacuated as the fire brigade came and put out the blaze.
All I know is because she had started her period we all got a week off school and we had to watch a sex education film about the Male and female reproductive organs when we came back.
WTF happened to the Fanny pad machine, I’m still confused about that nearly 40 years later. Lol.

What is the closest you’ve came to being caught short going to the loo.
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I remember being In primary school and I don’t know exactly what happened but an unfortunate incident happened to a girl in my year where the fanny pad machine(what we called it at the time) went on fire and the school was evacuated as the fire brigade came and put out the blaze.
All I know is because she had started her period we all got a week off school and we had to watch a sex education film about the Male and female reproductive organs when we came back.
WTF happened to the Fanny pad machine, I’m still confused about that nearly 40 years later. Lol.

What is the closest you’ve came to being caught short owing to the loo.
Fanny pad machine lmao lol.
The threads not moving so I’ll answer my own question.

Years ago I was in Sales and I was seeing a customer in the North of Scotland. It’s a long secluded road with very little in the way of service stations etc so I decided to have lunch before leaving for home. About 20 minutes into my journey I felt a huge gut renching pain in my stomach and just needed to get to the loo ASAP but there was nothing in sight.
I was driving like a mad man scouring the horizon for anything and then I saw a sign for a small village and zoomed towards it. There was nothing but a bed and breakfast and so I ran in and asked the lady if I could use the loo.
She said no it was for paying guests and I nearly fainted on the spot. She saw the look of desperation in my eyes and eventually said yes it’s through there.
Holy fuck, the relief. I was sweating that day and I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.

What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done that you would erase if you could?
A naked macerena dance on Skype. Thank fuck for masks!:oops:

What are you fondest childhood memories?