I confess

I confess.....

...holding back the tender eager love
been knocked down and down but,
I'm not beaten, I am to strong for that

All I want and need is your love in mine
is that unkind?
Help me, touch me, love me

Eyes crying are for baby's
my eyes are crying
lost love always hurts
Fool if you think its over

How could I give
you more than i can give
find more and I'll live

Oh my love, love me, love me
Love is all gone where
have you gone....
I confess....

I no longer believe God is here
I've prayed, begged and no reply

I see what is going on in the world
the human atrocities, I cry
Love wins but is an uphill battle
most of the time

God where are you?
If you Are, YOU can change this mess
YOU created it
Did you take the last train outta the Solar System

I'm serious
Life is precarious
So many stupid things
I need to let go

I just wanted to let YOU know...