If Russia tried to invade the USA

If Russia tried to invade the USA..
Here is what would be different than invading France, or Britain or even Ukraine as it doing.

There is a slight risk of anti establishment groups attempting to take advantage of it..
Groups like hard-core right wing rednecks from the South.
Disenfranchised Blacks.
Hate groups.

But that risk is minimal at best...
That said, this what would most likely happen.

First of all, it is true in some ways that the Russian military has the advantage over the American civilians..

However the cold reality is, their advantage is nullified by their low quality training..
They are NOT like the US military...
We're not trying to fight the American military..
The Russian military is a whole lot less than even the French military, or in many ways the polish military..
About on a par with Macedonians or the Serbs.
Nowhere near insurmountable.

Their advantage over the US population is solely in the air and at sea...
Only marginally on land.

Neither of which can't be answered..
The US airforce and Navy and Marines takes care of that.

Number 2...

They are invading the only westernized country to have guns like we have.


While Ak47s are available...
That's not the kind of weapon that most of us would fight them with...

Because we're not going to fight them using their own weapon, in semi automatic.

If we're to be limited to semi automatic, we're going for better.
The AR 15 and other systems based on it, and modifying them to fire on full auto.

Fully automatic can also be used on many civilian shotgun models.

Number three

It may be easy to think that we, the civilians lack explosives...
Far from it..

Tannerite and ball bearings and a plastic tub makes for a massive grenade that is readily deployable.
And we have more.

Number four...

We have nuclear missiles.
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What a load of tosh! Putin is not stupid, if he decided to take on NATO he will use chemical or nukes ,the worrying thing is many medical people believe he has lost his mental state, some are even saying he has a terminal illness, well if thats the case he wont care about unleashing nukes on America and no matter how powerful the US military is it will not be able to withstand that scenario . Russia has more nukes than the US trust me,there are no winners oh and FYI the most powerful country during the 2nd world war aka Germany who had such an advantage over everyone else with tech rolled over Europe but failed to bust my tiny island so dont fekin diss my country you idiotic armchair general
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I tend to agree with astrochic.

Putin is very ill and could die within the next couple of months, at his own hand or that of one of his inner circle. He could, however, make a disastrous decision to nuke NATO nations and eventually, the USA. The End of the World as we Know It (TEOTWAWKI would ensue.

Biden is more ill than Putin. Biden's dementia precedes him. He is impotent, but his radical DemonicRat handlers are not. They may make lethal mistakes!

Were the Russians or the God Damned Chinese Communists ever so stupid as to "invade" the USA, they would be met with MASSIVE resistance. I would be among those in the heart of the killing fields! I have a sufficient number of weapons and ammo to arm a number of other like-minded American Patriots, if necessary.

Incidentally, my semi-auto 12 gauge bullpup shotgun can send high-velocity law enforcement grade slugs (TEN) or double-ought pellets (NINETY) down range in about three seconds to inflict extreme damage. Snap in another magazine and hit the target with ten more ... rinse and repeat, mofo!

Red necks not required, hot shot. Only red, white, and blue-bloods need apply.
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Even US under an idiot of president is a superpower. Russia can't invade because even though it's also a superpower, It needs support, and in war will lose all support. Will not be a superpower anymore and be swiped under the rug like some old dust.
If Russia tried to invade the USA..
Here is what would be different than invading France, or Britain or even Ukraine as it doing.

There is a slight risk of anti establishment groups attempting to take advantage of it..
Groups like hard-core right wing rednecks from the South.
Disenfranchised Blacks.
Hate groups.

But that risk is minimal at best...
That said, this what would most likely happen.

First of all, it is true in some ways that the Russian military has the advantage over the American civilians..

However the cold reality is, their advantage is nullified by their low quality training..
They are NOT like the US military...
We're not trying to fight the American military..
The Russian military is a whole lot less than even the French military, or in many ways the polish military..
About on a par with Macedonians or the Serbs.
Nowhere near insurmountable.

Their advantage over the US population is solely in the air and at sea...
Only marginally on land.

Neither of which can't be answered..
The US airforce and Navy and Marines takes care of that.

Number 2...

They are invading the only westernized country to have guns like we have.


While Ak47s are available...
That's not the kind of weapon that most of us would fight them with...

Because we're not going to fight them using their own weapon, in semi automatic.

If we're to be limited to semi automatic, we're going for better.
The AR 15 and other systems based on it, and modifying them to fire on full auto.

Fully automatic can also be used on many civilian shotgun models.

Number three

It may be easy to think that we, the civilians lack explosives...
Far from it..

Tannerite and ball bearings and a plastic tub makes for a massive grenade that is readily deployable.
And we have more.

Number four...

We have nuclear missiles.
Your reasonning lack substance.
Anyone that has serve know a few things:

1. The US is the best equipped military force in the world...but your troops suck. You never won a war alone.
2. The Russian have no reason to deploy on US ground. The can destroy you in computer warfare and nuclear war if they wanted too

Now, as History shows it, excluding a minor communist period of its history, unlike the US, Russia do not start wars, so you do not have to worry. (Unlike many believe, Putin is not a communist, he believes in the Great Russia, the Tsarist Russia).
I tend to agree with astrochic.

Putin is very ill and could die within the next couple of months, at his own hand or that of one of his inner circle. He could, however, make a disastrous decision to nuke NATO nations and eventually, the USA. The End of the World as we Know It (TEOTWAWKI would ensue.

Biden is more ill than Putin. Biden's dementia precedes him. He is impotent, but his radical DemonicRat handlers are not. They may make lethal mistakes!

Were the Russians or the God Damned Chinese Communists ever so stupid as to "invade" the USA, they would be met with MASSIVE resistance. I would be among those in the heart of the killing fields! I have a sufficient number of weapons and ammo to arm a number of other like-minded American Patriots, if necessary.

Incidentally, my semi-auto 12 gauge bullpup shotgun can send high-velocity law enforcement grade slugs (TEN) or double-ought pellets (NINETY) down range in about three seconds to inflict extreme damage. Snap in another magazine and hit the target with ten more ... rinse and repeat, mofo!

Red necks not required, hot shot. Only red, white, and blue-bloods need apply.
Putin is very fine, time will show, don't believe Western media propaganda
given we already have Russian bombers flying over in US airspace... it's an academic exercise in futility. we're already outgunned. sadly.