Last thing you purchased.

20210401_121707.jpg I know I'm breaking the rules here,but I purchased these this past Wednesday to bring them to two girls at work for an early Easter gift yesterday and they absolutely love them and in case u are wondering...they are flower plants made out of paper napkins and the girl that does them does an excellent job on them. :cool:
An early Easter gift for my baby which is the Original Turbo Scratcher which I bought her years ago and was involuntarily taken from us with the recent moves in these past few months,but now when I went to Wally's World today to look for necessity items that I couldn't find in my usual places when I went over to the pet section they had it and when I say the Original...I mean the one that is better than the cheap shit imposter one they sell at Target and the actual pet stores. ❤20210402_141333.jpg