Last time you

It does, I was thinking of my youngest when asking. :D

Fairly recent, I think about a month ago. We seldom eat in a restaurant (or get takeout), so it was exceptional.

Last time you attended a special event?
Years ago. I "don't watch any" TV or similar these days (very occasionally if my sons switch it on).

Last time you pre-ordered something?
Probably never. I pick a YT vid and put it on repeat for a while, then switch to something else. Or the radio if I'm in the car. In the previous car, I could play a CD but I'd usually skip some songs, also.

Last time you gave a too lengthy answer? ;)
Many years ago. I don't tan, I burn, so I learned not to. I do enjoy reading a book on the beach, but in the shadows and/or with lots of sun lotion.

Last time you felt a connection with someone?
If all goes well, people change, so you can only know yourself as you are right now (or to an extent). I've learned some stuff over the past few years I'd rather not have, but, it is what it is.

Last time you smiled?
I went to see Kung Fu Panda 3 in the movie theater a while a go. It's the last movie/series I remember watching, also, as I don't often watch TV etc.

Last time you were up at night?