Last time you

I called the Firestone Headquarters in Ohio last summer if that counts

When was the last time you wore shorts
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16 years ago when I quit smoking

When was the last time you were all excited about and up coming event only to see it was cancelled last minute
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Kid Rock concert years about 5 years ago. Cancelled about 2 hours before the event. :(

When was the last time you asked for a special favor from someone
A month ago...I wanted to check out the range a friend belongs to

When was the last time you got a birthday present you hated but kept so you would hurt someones feelings
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A couple of years ago. I received a pair of earrings from my mother and I only wear them when I know she will notice them.

When was the last time you cracked your own nuts for snacking on
If you count shelling pistachios, an hour ago

When was the last time you had the flu?
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Oh it's been years so shhhhhhh at least 25 years ago.

When was the last time you bought a raffle ticket
Sat night. Well it was a bad one sad one about my dog falling off a 2 story building

When was the last time you signed up for any kinda class
That must have been a terrifying dream DDD...

2 years ago

When was the last time you were totally surprised by something
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By my friend sending me a tribe necklace with a note about BFFS. A total surprise since she is very standoffish.

When was the last time you were at a lawyers office
At least 10 years ago after a car accident

When was the last time you had happy tears
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Last month when I got a call my husband found my wedding band

When was the last time you had to use the jack in your car
About 2 years ago

When was the last time you hit or slapped someone in anger
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When I was a teenager many moons ago

When was the last time you tried an article of clothing on from the opposite sex
I must be strange....I never have

When was the last time you played ping pong?
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