Never Have I Ever.

Shot only with my sister when we were teenagers

Never have I ever has a gas stove in my home

*Only live once so FUCKIT!!! I've done some messed up shit and I'm willing, and very able, to do it again so bite me!!!:D

Never have I ever been excited, AF, to have a cup of coffee?

*Saturday's are #ImaSpoilMyself day's, for me anyways...
Shot. Been there done that, I miss my youth...

Never have I ever missed a meeting cause I went fishing instead?
Oooh do I get a double?

Never have I ever wanted a swim before bed but realised that'd require actually getting up and climbing downstairs so I just rather said FUCKIT and watched more TV...
Lmao lol never since I dont have a pool and going to the lake would require me to drive

Never have I ever ate a fish I caught
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Idk if I should say shot or never tbh... Unless you meant fish not fix?

Never have I ever started watching a new series on Netflix and laughed so hard at the accents and locations on said series that I've had to run to the loo to avoid making a mess on my sofa?:oops:

*Queen Sono is the series I'm referring to btw... Pearl Tusi tho... GRRRR yes!!!