Same old same old...


Active Member
OFC Regular
I’ve been on more than a few sex chat forums all in an attempt to understand my insatiable desire for women, only to learn that I probably going to be one of those old men still finding these things arousing. I’ve been interested in girls from grade school unlike most of my pairs at that time I was a little more active and aggressive than most, I rather not get into those days of really not understanding what I was chasing after. It’s been along time to get where I am today with trying to control and wondering if anyone else has these kinds of urges and feelings. Being on these forum I’m guessing only real fiends would be devoting the time to be online risking exposure, to satisfy the urge, but it’s all different types some just for fun and others for laughs and it’s interesting how much different people are out there. Really don’t like the people that sees this as a great place and opportunity to post advertising, selling nude tapes for a price they should be Selling their pussy & ass for a price. Anyway it’s a hundred men to one woman, could you imagine that in a train highly doubtful.

Still I keep coming back because it helps me feel that sensation my body craves,
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