Snakes and Ladders


Well-Known Member
OFC Regular
Totally stole this from another site. But it was fun. So what the Hell.

Snakes and Ladders!!!!

How to play:
Roll the dice by clicking this random number generator

Move the correct places (based on your dice roll) respecting of course the climbing up of ladders and the slippery sliding down of the snakes.

***for every slide down a snake: post a pic of some skin. Any skin will do as long as its yours.
***for every trip up a ladder please give a comment to the poster above you.

You can't roll two times in a row! Must wait til another poster takes a turn before you can roll again.

Keep track of where you are on the board!!! Every roll mention:
What you rolled
Where you landed on the board

First Ten people to 100 get a special prize from ME!!!!! (tag me if you get to 100 to collect)

**Remember you have to reach 100 EXACTLY. If you roll higher than 100 you count the steps to 100 and then backwards however many steps you overshot.

ie: you're on 97. You roll an 8. You count 3 steps to 100 and then backwards 5 to 95.

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