Something I Need Shared With Y’all


OFC Regular
Well I been depressed lately and hard not to thinking about my past I know i should think about the future it hard when I am trying have nice conversations someone few minutes later they don’t talk to me anymore I do share tell y’all some things about me I’m not afraid anymore when I got cheated on it hurt me very badly I was in shambles i crying so much I was about to give up on myself but i didn’t I keep fighting for it I told my old self that keep my head up and keep fighting one day someone be there for you and that person will make you happy and loved and care for
Well I been depressed lately and hard not to thinking about my past I know i should think about the future it hard when I am trying have nice conversations someone few minutes later they don’t talk to me anymore I do share tell y’all some things about me I’m not afraid anymore when I got cheated on it hurt me very badly I was in shambles i crying so much I was about to give up on myself but i didn’t I keep fighting for it I told my old self that keep my head up and keep fighting one day someone be there for you and that person will make you happy and loved and care for
I can identify with how you feel Brandon; I went through all of the those same feelings and experiences and you are right, they hurt you and scare you but Miss Deidre is also right in that this place, although fun, can add scares, hurts and confusion. She's also right when she says it's a circus, at best, people come here to satiate their wildest desires and often compassion is left far behind. The other problem here is common to all online living, you can't see facial expression, you don't know where someone is putting the emphasis on their words. Are they being funny, sarcastic, insulting or just stupid? It's far easier to say things you or come across as saying things you either haven't or haven't meant when all you have is printed words in front of you in the heat of the moment. The most healthy thing for you and a reminder for us all, is real human interaction, frightening, messy, up front yet the most honest type of interaction. We wouldn't be taking the time to say these things if we didn't think you were worth caring about so take these words for what your'e paying for them but please, at least take them.