Stealing panties


New Member
Truth be told I absolutely love the thrill of stealing panties from my friends wife's or girlfriends and lucky enough I haven't been caught yet. I prefer taking clean ones from her wardrobe but will settle for dirty ones from her laundry basket if that's all I can get..
I have stolen from Friends moms, cousins girlfriends and female friends.
Truth be told I absolutely love the thrill of stealing panties from my friends wife's or girlfriends and lucky enough I haven't been caught yet. I prefer taking clean ones from her wardrobe but will settle for dirty ones from her laundry basket if that's all I can get..
I have stolen from Friends moms, cousins girlfriends and female friends.
ive sniffed panties from sister inlaws, friends and step daughters,its excites me so to jackoff in them lovely dirty crotch panties,and the taste is even more erotic