That moment...



That moment when you find peace with your past errors and accept the fact you shall NEVER have forgiveness from someone you've hurt, more than they deserved, yet deep down know that life goes on irrespectively...

That moment when you bare your heart and soul, reveal ALL your errors and she says... "I love you for YOU, not that fake flaky wolf", and with her accent it's...

Wait for it...:rolleyes:


Oh yes, almost forgot!:D

That moment when you long to hear a voice then realise, no matter what you do it's gone... Forgiveness... FUCKIT!!! Redemption? Pussyfooting!!! Happiness? Sadly obtained...

That moment when...

I no longer feed the bad wolf, diefie... I forgive myself for hurting you. I forgive myself for using you. I forgive myself for abusing you. I forgive myself for not being good enough, for YOU... My One, ONLY, truest Love... I forgive myself for being a coward. I forgive myself for being what I WAS not. I forgive myself for never having the balls to give you what you gave me... My all... I forgive myself for the drugs, alcohol and self abuse. I forgive myself for being a fucking cunt! I forgive myself. Yet... Before I die one day, and No I'm not gonna try to end it AGAIN LolWHAT, I desire nothing more than to hear or even read you say... I forgive you B... TheAlpha is what I wanted to be and now am, my princess... And with my Kitten, you know her yes, I am content...

I am, and henceforth ALWAYS will be...

That moment when you recon you should stop, like a week ago fuckface, snarfing coke from a hookers bum hole!!!

The moment you make a choice and decide you need a change. No matter how hard it is