The Silent Revolution

I’am big hippy at heart so I would have to say peace and fairness all the way with universal love because this world is a shitty mandella effect of misery and ruined dreams and unfortunatly all our the demons are in this world.
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I wish things will change in the world for the better because I’am not going anywhere with my goals. And sadly life is drowning me and stepping on top of my head at the same time.
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Yes there is a tremendous push by unseen yet powerful entities to mold everyone into similar creatures. Anyone who speaks out against or offers alternate visions of this new reality is shouted down, shamed, banned, ostracized, assaulted and labeled as the worst kind of human being ever. The very people preaching freedom and tolerance are the most closed minded of all. The Silent Revolution is people carrying on with charity, kindness, and forbearance despite this onslaught of negativity
If you are not be thankful your not in firearms politics, crazy shit going on right now given the last year.