The Wizard of Odd... Living with insanity... Part 3


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The Look of Insanity:

When the sun sets upon another day there is one thing we all have in common, we are all insane. I believe there are four archetypes of insane people.

Firstly there are those who we all readily identify as clinically insane. Having absolutely no grip on reality; this group possibly makes up 3-4% of the populous (just a made up statistic from my well of nonsense). These people, having been marginalised by society, will for the most part, end up in an asylum.

The second group of insane individuals are those who are to be considered psychopathic. Ponerological deviants are those who have no capacity for compassion. These deprived souls must navigate through their lives never having the ability to experience the emotional triggers which keep humans on the track to unity, love and peaceful cohabitation. It is estimated by professionals that between 4% and 5% of the population suffers from this malady.

When considering all forms of insanity, it is this group of afflicted individuals I empathise with the most for they can never come to terms with how to express and enjoy love. To me, an existence absent of love must be the most dreadful of reality manifestations. Nothing can be done for these people, like the clinically insane, their capacity to heal and live a complete life is, for the most part, non existent.

The third group of insanity candidates make up the majority of the populous, possibly as much as 90% of our brethren (another fabricated statistic). This brain addled group are certainly insane however; they will never develop an appreciation for their insanity. In their minds; they represent normalcy, in so much as, they believe themselves to be perfectly sane.

This group of "average citizens" function quite well in society however; trapped by illusions, they will go on believing in the many illogical trappings of their material reality, as well, they will never grasp the true extent of their collective insanity. Having no reference for living beyond illusion, they are mostly incapable of coming to terms with their Godself beingness; as a result, they will only discover their ego biased pseudo self.

Incapable of understanding the nature of the true self; they invariably tumble through life failing to understand the synchronicity love and unity that can be shared among all living beings.

Finally, there are those who spend most of their life being insane however; these blessed humans have somehow developed a sense of their Godself reality, along with this spiritual connection, they find ways to develop pockets of safe harbour which they rely upon during stormy egoic weather.

This part of humanity probably represents less than 1% of the population (who could say for sure). Our group of semi conscious souls find they must navigate through the materium whilst being completely aware of the illusory nature of their existence. The partially sane manage to hang on tight to their little niche of sanity as they attempt to rally against the incessant brutality and mind control forced upon the masses by elite psychopathic societal manipulators.

Insanity & The Corporate Message! How Did This Come to Pass?

Assuming we can agree to properly diagnose our insanity as a collective malady; the next question is how did this happen?

Whenever I consider this subject I am compelled by personal observation to unequivocally state that the prime derivative of insanity is not a natural state of the human condition. The life experiences which lead me to believe insanity is not entirely a natural phenomenon come from my time in Africa, and from observing my family life.

Small African villagers, free from electricity, media, western influence, and corporate manipulation live a completely different lifestyle than us.

Their viewpoint is that of a community family whereas all adults believe all children are their offspring and conversely all village children believe all adults are their parents. The concept of family extends to include all peoples within their realm, and all peoples visiting their community.

They believe no one should have more or less, all must be given the same level of respect, dignity, love, and courtesy. They may not have a firm grasp of their spiritual nature, or understand concepts of the GodSelf however; they choose to always live in societal harmony where all members are considered equal.

Another fine example of sanity is found throughout the world by the unified expression of nuclear families conducting themselves in a manner of mutual love, respect and care. I would never charge my child for food, one child does not get more than another. In the nuclear family we give freely to each other and, without exception, make sure all are provided for equally.

We choose, as a family, to transcend the dog eat dog battle for survival, we choose to act as a untied group, loving unconditionally, giving always without reservation, never selecting one over the other. No one would let one of their children go to school and not another, no one would allow one child to starve while another is fed. This is the way of humans, this is the natural path of sanity.

Why do we feel it necessary to transcend these common sense rules of family living just because the starving child is not of our clan?

Is it human nature to only care for our own children?

I do not believe this to be true; I believe times of crisis proves that communities can bond, they can offer each other love, individuals can care and love those they are not personally acquainted with.

I maintain that we have become separate from our brethren merely because we have been conditioned to act in such a callous manner. Think about Darwinism and the core of it's ethos. Ponder the role sport plays to separate our affiliations. Observe the impact of nationalism, and the disastrous reality of how borders, real and perceived, divide our peoples.

Elicit from your memories the effects education has played in dividing you from your brethren by use of the colossal hammer of comparative evaluation. Think about religion, the constant divisiveness and violence it has, and continues to promote, throughout the charted history of civilisation.

Note the way class division is used to isolate the rich from the needs of their impoverished brethren. Look about your work place, be aware of the friction created between those with and without power. Be aware of media and the subtle and gross modalities of divisiveness, sandpaper grating away at the expression of compassion slowly eroding the real unifier of human character.

See how societal memes fill our thoughts with avarice, contempt, and rampant insensitive violence. Take a moment, right now, to contemplate your role in this abhorrent charade we call democracy.

DIVIDE, DIVIDE, DIVIDE, conquer your brother... CONSUME, CONSUME, CONSUME, think not of your sister... FEAR, FEAR, FEAR, your brethren will take from you...

The Road to Sanity, Standing Tall:

Do not believe for a moment this train is unstoppable! Resistance is the key to reacquiring our mental health. Presently we are compliant sheep trained by our masters, nipped at the heels by their dogs of war, programmed by their media lackeys, ruled by force.

The human race has been trapped, duped, and cajoled into cages, our minds have become putty in the hands of socially deviant elitist monsters. Peaceful non compliance, embracing unconditional love, educating the ignorant, raising the weak, are our tickets to mental freedom.

Turn off the TV, eliminate all forms of social media, drag yourself off the wheel of materialism. Stand tall in love, be aware of the suffering of your brethren, reach out to those in need. Hold the hand of the frail, care for the poor, feed the hungry, love the enemy, resist competition, unite with your brethren, live humbly with compassion.

Open your heart to all who stand in your path, seek to discover your weaknesses. Search your heart regularly so that you may discover how to love without condition. Know that all you discover which appears to not be love is in fact a corruption of the ego, a disassociation from sanity, and the will of your elite masters.

Educate yourselves, be aware of the machinations of government and corporations. Seek peace, harmony, and balance in your life. Search to enhance aspects of your sanity, create pathways of logic to guide you toward a healthy mind.

Reach out to your brethren with solutions instead of grievances, love instead of resistance, unity instead of separation, tenderness instead of aggression, compassion instead of heartlessness. LOVE LOVE LOVE is the only way you can heal your mind, it is the only path toward a future you presently can only imagine as possible.

Our minds are the vehicles of solidarity, take back our sanity and we can remould a new reality. The power of fascist rule acts upon society as is a mental cancer however; it is limited by the acceptance of the populous. Know that change is up to us, one act of kindness, one decision, one moment of grace, one step toward love, one person at a time.

To quote the lackey Obama; YES WE CAN! We can take back our sanity, we can live in harmony, we can love unconditionally, it's up to each of us to learn how to become sane, loving, giving, compassionate, human beings!

In Lak'ech, dearest brethren, take back your reality... be the social warrior of which you and your children can be proud...
I feel as if I've read this somewhere before.
Hello IL; unless you have visited my blogsite or read an Indian spirituality magazine for teens which I often contribute to, then I assure you it is very unlikely you have read this post.

However, I have been involved in spiritual pursuits for nearly forty years, likely we two have read the same type of philosophy. Truth does tend to resonate with us all.

Thank you for your visit IL. Wishing you love.
Hello IL; unless you have visited my blogsite or read an Indian spirituality magazine for teens which I often contribute to, then I assure you it is very unlikely you have read this post.

However, I have been involved in spiritual pursuits for nearly forty years, likely we two have read the same type of philosophy. Truth does tend to resonate with us all.

Thank you for your visit IL. Wishing you love.
Ok. Im not a spiritual person, that's for sure. However, do refrain from referring to me as IL. I positively despise it, and would likely have to kill you if you continue.
So it is Invincible, stepped in it again....argh... Light it is. What is the etymology of your Invincible Light handle?
So it is Invincible, stepped in it again....argh... Light it is. What is the etymology of your Invincible Light handle?
Hahaha, nothing special. Just a childhood nickname. Actually, originally it was Muteki no Hikari, or "Light is invincible", but InvincibleLight made a better username.