"These are my confessions..." -Usher


New Member
So...I just got married, and yet I'm on this site.

We've been together for 8 years and have made it through many trials and tribulations. We were high school sweethearts, then she went away to college, then I joined the Marines and lived in Cali for about 4 years. She studied abroad in Australia while I went on a hiatus in Key West for 6 months. I've even been deployed overseas twice and through all of that we've managed to make it work because we love each other.

However, for the past 8 years our sex life has gone further and further downhill. I had kept hope alive that things would get better when I finally got stationed back home (which I now am). They haven't. I love her but her sex drive is basically non-existant, despite my best efforts. I hate to use the cliche', but I really do have needs. I'm a believer that in a relationship, you are required to satisfy your partner in order to keep them faithful. I know most won't agree but it's my truth. I have an extremely high sex drive and I'm in need of some kind of outlet.

Which leads me to typing this to you all at 1:30 AM when I have to be up by 4 for work lol. I could get by with the bad/no sex, but it's the lack of intimacy that has brought me here. I just want to chat and say dirty things to dirty, like-minded women in order to satisfy my urges. It may not be right but it's the lesser of many evils.

Please resist the urge to give me advice. While I appreciate it, I'm sure I've done all that's in my power and am now taking steps to get us professional help. So worry not. Until then, I'll be here...