21 Questions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Debbiediddallas
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Believe it or not, I've never had Lobster, and would love to try.

Have you ever been married/in a relationship and wished you were not?
Went to the movies with this guy I really didnt want to go out with. He went to put his arm around me I told him I was sick and needed to go to the bathroom. o_O

Good question so let's stick with it. What was your worst date
Mine was a date at the movies to, he had a profile picture that was at least 10 years old, he talked about blowjobs and farted twice during the movie. The movie couldn't end fast enough! :eek:

What was your favorite vacation from your childhood?
My Grand Parents used to take a holiday home on the East coast of Scotland for the Summer when I was a child so anyone from the family could go whenever it suited them. Me and my cousins used to spend endless weeks rock pooling and braving the North Sea. I still go there now and I’m right back to being an 8 year old without a care in the world:)

Same question
Hawaii: visiting all the islands in one trip: luaus on the beach, learning to hula dance and string leis, snorkeling and boogie boarding in the warm water, sailing and fishing, eating freshly cut pineapple and drinking out of coconuts, visiting volcanoes and grottos, Polynesian dancers and cliff divers, feeding enormous koi fish at the hotel, spelunking lava tubes... kid’s dream vacation

What’s the best and/or the most bizarre, advice you’ve ever received?
When I moved out of my parents and bought my first flat my Elderly Grand mother took me aside and told me not to bother about what other people in your neighbourhood are doing or buying, do your own thing, be your own man, The trick is to be good to yourself. Advice I try to live by and it’s never steered me wrong.

same Question.
Once 15 yrs ago and truly I am regretful, but shit life goes on..

? Have you ever sex with more than one person at the same time ?