#4 - Sex and Society




This post is in continuation of my Sex Discussion Series :- "All About Sex". If you haven't read previous posts, Here are the links
1. All About Sex
2. Why Sex is Fun?
3. Sexual Pleasure Disparity

This is a case study of people's feelings revolving around sex, from the first world to the third. It must serve as a help to understanding complications in relationships among people in context of Sex, the resulting emotional complexities and tendencies often leading to damage in their life and others.

April 28, 2018. Toronto, ON, Canada.
A man named Alek Minassian rammed his van onto pedestrians, killing 10 people and leaving another 16 injured. The story ran across provincial and national news channels, highlighting progress of his arrest and digging into his background. What came up, was his frustrations about being rejected by "Stacy"s. The Facebook post he wrote minutes before his said "retribution", bragged about his embarking on the "Incel" revolution, exalting "Elliot Rodger" as the revolutionary martyr who sparked this movement.

Now, I know you didn't understand a few things here. What are "Stacy", "Incel", "Elliot Rodger" all about? Isn't this guy most probably an ISIS franchisee, a Neo-Nazi or an ideological offspring of the Ku Klux Klan? Trust me,you'll find these terms more banal and contextual with people's social lives when I explain them :-

"Incel" or Involuntarily Celibate is a term referring to a group of men who, in spite of repeated approaches to women, don't get approved for having sex with them. It's basically a support group for the people who can't achieve the ideal male image or "Chad" or stand out to social preferences of "Stacy" or the ideal female image. Most often it is taken ironically, but it is a response to interpersonal biases in society or its byproduct. These people essentially want validation, love, respect and credibility and complain that however courteous, creative and "interesting" they become as individuals, prejudices regarding physical appearance and social status will always prevail and they won't get due appreciation from women. You may visit the Incels Website for more information.

The alleged association of this group with Toronto Van Attack lead to increased influx of guests on the site, implying whether the above said group really qualifies as an instigator in these attacks.However, the admin claims the site is nothing more than a vent space for virgins with low self-esteem and seek mental support for their case. Their philosophical roots just appeared to align with that of a young person named Elliot Rodger who killed a total of 7 people, inflicting wounds to many others and engaging in a gunfight with the police before he shot himself. Ideas that lead to violence are presumed as abominable ideas, but trust me, murderers have killed for stupid reasons and in the name of most cherished ideals.

MGTOW - Men Going Their Own Way is a uprising cult movement that suggests men to withdraw from social institutions like marriage or any social engagement with women as a response to a possible female centered interpretation of Feminism by the whole society. They even propose economic and social dissociation (literally "Going Monk") to find spiritual freedom for sexually and socio-economically cornered males and covet men's rights. They're basically against self-disparagement of men for women's favors and appreciation, as they'd tend to do under low self-esteem.

Not Like Other Girls is a phrase being annotated to girls who aren't deemed to fit the "bombshell" stereotype the paparazzi world so dearly celebrates, and suggest their differences from the "too proud and beautiful" babe figure, with an intention to coerce likability, reacting to the fact that males fail to meet nearly ideal expectations from females and vice versa. Some think of this phrase as enhancing self-image at the cost of degrading the whole of the gender and gives the impression that these "Other girls" are boring, untalented and non-intelligent.

All these terms arise from social insecurities of males and females alike. A lot of those insecurities are very well evident on this site. We can learn a few things about the behavior and responses of people to anything of these sorts.
  • Social Stereotypes have myriad effects on a person's psyche. They'll adhere to and follow it vigorously- Either they'll get successful, having paid or spent a lot to achieve the image or get frustrated in case of less than expected progress, shun it and propagate it's a scam, essentially adopting a personality that the stereotype doesn't inspire. But being indifferent would be the hardest (and actually the most sensible) thing to do.
  • We humans are social beings and thus stereotypes, in all cases, matter to us. This is a byproduct of the principle of Collective Learning we humans have been applying to become the most progressive species on this planet. We tend to stick to what satisfies the majority, for a sense of social unity is instilled in us for survival.
  • We Humans have shown incessant errors in applying Emotional Intelligence. We are bad decision makers, ignoring far-lying aspects and working on short cuts generated by biases.
  • All Endeavors, All that a person pursues, is an attempt to satisfy his Ego and redeem his importance and functionality among the people who matter to him, in the society and the world.

This site is a great observatory to understand these inclinations. If you deprive a person of goals to his pursuits for long enough, he'll change his behavior in an erratic way and associate to an ideology which might not have made sense to the general people. Often, these adopted ideologies induce resentment and further self-deprivation, which ultimately turns harmful to the society.

Next post coming soon

Thank You :)