I cannot tell a lie... Christmas is a hard time for me. For a number of reasons..1. Its too commercialised and expensive. Ppl over indulge and pretty much regret it immediately. 2. My family (parents, siblings) do not live in the same country..I miss them terribly at Christmas, 3. I'm not religious at all. 4. Christmas ads, music and tv shows are cringeworthy.
Please don't call me a Grinch as I am actually a person who wishes you all the best time with your families. Just I cannot get excited about it myself.
Love to all xxx
Misha, first, I'd never call you a grinch about how you feel this time of year. Second, I agree with you on several things. The Christmas season has become not only too commercialized but also too politically correct. I remember when it was a time of giving. It's not like that anymore and that disgusts me. I too am not a religious person, not that I don't believe in it. I just don't practice. I believe everyone has their own way of "celebrating" and we should respect that, even when it is different than how we do it. Christmas/ holiday ads are cringeworthy. Again, too commercialized.
As for the family, mine is nearby. Due to some "differences" and my desire to remove the negative that I can from my life, this will be the second year I've not spent it with them. I can understand it being rough when you want to and can't as I spent 3 Christmases away while I was in the Navy. I'm sure you know that you are with them in spirit. Just do what you can to reach out to those you want to.