Last time you

Few months back, wasn't a public display though, stayed in a portacabin over night 50 yards fro a run way with f15s taking of all night

I bought a tvr to drive to Spain, kept braking down, got it there on back of a truck, after 5 weeks in the garage told them to call when fixed after their 4 attempt. After 4 months I came home and forgot about it till I got a tax disc reminder. Could find the number and when I went back garage was gone and flats being built. Maybe they buried it.
Best thing to do to a tvr lol
They don't have ice? Brits drink beer at a temperature that enhances its natural flavour, at the temperature at which it was brewed to be at its best.

Why would someone ride my bumper when im already going 5 mph above the speed limit?