Last time you

Every morning

When was the last time you made a romantic dinner for someone?
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3 weeks ago and wasn't impressed

When was the last time you complained about service at a restaurant?
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(Wow...down to the day)

Been a while...I mostly listen to my playlists and the radio

When was the last time you deleted something and regretted it the moment you did?
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I remember that cause it was a GNO and we went to see Garth Brooks

I dont even remember, nothing comes to mind

When was the last time you swore you were never doing that again and what was your that
About 6 years ago....I got past out drunk drinking scotch....haven't had scotch since...I was so sick lol

When was the last time you bought an As Seen on Tv item
More than 5 yrs ago (I have a hard time throwing things away)

When was the last time you actually cooked a full meal for someone other than yourself?
Been to plenty of get togethers where people have elected not to drink, but I don’t think I’ve ever been to a party that was denoted as “alcohol free”

Last time you gave someone advice?
Yesterday.....I have a close friend that gives and takes advise all the time

When was the last time you fell asleep watching TV when not in bed
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4 years ago when one of my dogs died

When was the last time you sat in the dark, just listening to the rain falling
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Last rained for 2 days straight.
Add in PMT and the mood was somber at times. Lol

when was the last time you met someone who sparked an intense attraction?
Years and Years ago....

When was the last time you had to hook up something electronic
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