Last time you

Was about to drive to the store last week to pick up some groceries, and i forgot my recycle bag, I went back, I was still in the driveway, LOL :D

When was the lat time you spilled a beverage in the presence of others?
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Thanksgiving....opened a warm bottle of Root Beer and it fizzed over.

When was the last time you opened a bottle of champagne without it spilling.
Today to an online friend that I have grown close to over the years...she is like my sister.

When was the last time you were in a court room.
It is about 2 years ago, Times Square

When was the last time you went to sleep, but woke up and went and made yourself something to eat?
It was 6 or 7 months ago

When was the last time you left a movie before it ended
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About year and half ago. The wee one wouldnt sit still and I took her out.

When was the last time you went to see an animated movie at the theater